Amino acid therapy works because it addresses the root cause of neurotransmitter imbalance. Many medications are used to try and resolve symptoms related to neurotransmitter imbalance, but they often make the underlying problem worse over time. Neurotransmitter dysfunction is not due to a drug deficiency; it is due to a nutritional deficit and/or increased nutritional need. Therefore, amino acid therapy is the only way to correct these underlying imbalances.
By addressing the underlying problem, amino acid therapy can provide a lasting solution to disorders associated with neurotransmitter imbalances. For many people, amino acid therapy is the key to unlock their true potential and to rid themselves of symptoms that have been holding them back their entire lives.
I’m considering amino acid therapy; I live in the Cincinnati area. I’ve been using Paxil (currently 20mg.) and Ativan (1mg) off and on for 20 years –neither very effective at this time.
I have talked with Dr. Carjioli, a Chiropractor in Indianapolis, and Dr. Cole in Cincinnati. Both use the Neuro-Replete protocol. I’m wanting to compare your costs with theirs: for total treatment (supplements, urine tests, and over the phone office visits) …I realize supplements can vary depending on amount used…but roughly, can you inform me of estimated monthly costs/yearly cost — and then maintenance cost? Thank you, Killian
Hi Killian,
Thanks for contacting us; generally, supplements will cost between $200-400/month for the first 6-12 months and then $200-300/month ongoing. A person will generally need between 2-6 urine tests during the first 6 months at a cost of roughly $140-180/test. Consults will cost between $120-240/month until optimized, then roughly $30-60/month in maintenance.
Hope that helps –
Dr. Chad
During the 13+ years it took to identify my problem as Parkinsonism, I pursued an awful lot of therapies that didn’t work. Then a neurologist began prescribing Sinamet, and it has helped me get back considerable functioning, so I certainly don’t want to start another wild goose chase. That said, I’m very intrigued by this therapy and would like to know more. Where are you located?
Hi Mary,
We are located in Madison, WI; however, we have worked with people all over the world to help them optimize their neurotransmitter function using amino acid therapy. To learn more about our approach in regards to Parkinsonism, please visit
Dr. Chad