Neurotransmitter Test Accuracy

trichtesting-150x150I receive questions every week regarding neurotransmitter testing in regards to the use and clinical validity of the results. There is a lot of confusion out there about the use of testing neurotransmitters and/or neurotransmitter metabolites in the urine when trying to optimize neurotransmitter status. Rather than rehashing information that is already out there, I direct you to the following pages to learn more: Neurotransmitter Testing and OCT Assay Interpretation. (more…)

Amino Acid Therapy Can Help Lose Weight Thru the Holidays

ID-100227611Ah – the holidays – a time of good cheer, getting together with friends and family and wading through a bountiful bonanza of tantalizing foods that can make your buttons burst just by thinking about them for too long. The holidays – which for all practical purposes now stretch from the end of October through the beginning of January – are often a time of strife for those trying to maintain or lose weight. (more…)

Why Can’t I Buy NeuroReplete (or CysReplete) at my Local Health Food Store?

solutionI am often asked what products we use to help restore proper neurotransmitter function. The honest answer is that every single person requires a different blend of amino acids and cofactors to optimize their neurotransmitter levels, so identifying just one or two formulas is not feasible. However, there are several formulas made by CHK Nutrition that are used quite often (to learn more, see What products do you use to rebalance neurotransmitter levels?). These two products are called NeuroReplete and CysReplete. (more…)

How Many Medications Make Neurotransmitter Imbalances Worse

Pill Bottles Containing MedicationMedications are often the first line of defense from a medical standpoint for a variety of disorders, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, ADD/ADHD, OCD, fibromyalgia and obesity. However, research is showing that these medications may actually make the underlying neurotransmitter imbalances much worse over time, and often ‘quit working’ leaving the patient in a worse state of affairs than before they started the medication. This is because the medications don’t actually address and reverse the underlying neurotransmitter imbalances; they simply cover them up. (more…)