Properly Balanced Amino Acid Therapy Part 3 of 3

j0308887What this means to you

Part 1 of this series described how taking only 5-HTP can exacerbate neurotransmitter imbalance because of issues during the production of neurotransmitters. Part 2 described a similar problem that can occur during the degradation of neurotransmitters. The upshot is that if you take only 5-HTP, it will cause (a) decreased production and (b) increased degradation of all the catecholamines, including dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. Since serotonin and the catecholamines work as a system, this creates greater imbalance in the system, which will eventually either make your original problems worse or create new ones. (more…)

Properly Balanced Amino Acid Therapy Part 2 of 3

medicationsanddrugsProblems with Neurotransmitter Degradation

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed why taking only 5-HTP can create further neurotransmitter imbalances because of completion/inhibition in the production of neurotransmitters. This post will cover an additional issue that occurs during the degradation of neurotransmitters that can lead to greater neurotransmitters dysfunction over time. (more…)

Properly Balanced Amino Acid Therapy: Part 1 of 3

Pill Bottles Containing MedicationProblems with Neurotransmitter Synthesis

We routinely have people come into the clinic wanting to address one or more disorders related to neurotransmitter imbalance. When we explain our approach of using amino acid therapy, occasionally we will hear something like “I’ve tried 5-HTP before, but it didn’t work” or “5-HTP makes me sleepy, hungry, tired, (insert symptom here)”. I explain to these people that what they have done by taking only 5-HTP is cause further imbalance in the system, which will not address their underlying neurotransmitter dysfunction and could make it worse. (more…)

The Value of Testing

Test Tubes of Colored LiquidI am often asked why we need to complete testing to help optimize neurotransmitter levels and if we need to do testing, how many tests will be necessary to achieve success. The answer to this question isn’t as straight forward as most people would like. Here’s why. (more…)